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No bake Oreo cheesecake with chocolate mirror glaze

Written By bakinggncookingg on Friday 31 August 2018 | 00:36

Oreo cheesecake....the recipe I was looking for months. When I started searching the net I came across a number of recipe options, which increased my confusion and made my task more difficult.  Finally after getting a fair idea I applied my imagination and intelligence and the outcome is this beautiful dessert whose smooth texture is a visual treat and needless to say it’s sinfully tasty. 

This cheese cake is possibly the best cheese cake i have ever made. The filling is made up of only 4 ingredients. Yes, you have read it right! Only four ingredients! That’s it. The filling is whipped well to get an ultra creamy texture. Light, fluffy, creamy with a just perfect flavour, no bake Oreo cheese cake is chef’s delight!

Preparation time: 30 min

Total time required: At least 6 to 8 hrs

Cuisine: Dessert




1. Oreo cookies: 40 no’s
2. Butter: ½ cup


1. Cream cheese: 200 gm
2. Whipped cream: 1 cup
3. Sugar (powder): ½ cup (or according to taste)
4. Gelatin: 15 gm
5. Water: 5-6 tbsp


1. Chocolate: 100 gm
2. Cream: 50 gm
3. Butter: 2 tbsp


1. Separate cream from 30 Oreo cookies. Keep 10 cookies aside.
2. Churn Oreos in a blender well. Add melted butter and mix well.
3. Take a loose bottom cheese cake tin and spread the mixture evenly. Put it in the freezer till the filling is ready.  
4. Blend cream cheese with sugar until smooth with a hand blender.
5. Whisk whipped cream. Add it to the cream cheese sugar mixture.
6. Put gelatine in water and microwave for 10 seconds. Mix well.
7. Add gelatin to the cream mixture and mix well.
8. Break those 10 Oreo cookies coarsely and fold into the cream mixture.
9. Pour the mixture evenly on the biscuit base and chill in the freezer for 45 minutes.


1. Warm cream.
2. Add chopped dark chocolates and reduce heat. Stir continuously till chocolate melts. Add butter.
3. Cool the ganache to room temperature.
4. Pour over the cheesecake and spread evenly.
5. Put it in fridge for at least 6 hours or till set.
6. Serve cold.
I always used to wonder why Oreo cookies are so popular as an ingredient in dessert. After tasting this sinful delight I got the answer. The smooth texture of the cake along with the tempting flavour will force you to ask for more and more till you realize even more is less. To sum up, this particular dessert is actually heaven on a plate!


1. Take original vanilla Oreo.

2. No compromise on the quantity of butter as that much butter is required to bind the biscuits properly. Otherwise the base will crack.

3. Be extremely careful while making the topping. For making a perfect mirror glaze the chocolate- cream consistency should be just perfect. Too thick or too thin chocolate ganache will not give the desired result.


About bakinggncookingg

"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." This quote describes me aptly. I am a hands on mom who entered the kitchen as a necessity after marriage with the sole cooking experience of making tea. Born in a Bengali family where emphasis was only on higher education we were actually discouraged to even enter the kitchen ! so naturally I grew up with a complete indifference to cooking which later on developed into aversion as I entered adulthood ! But the picture changed completely after marriage . Being married to a person whose profession demands lots of "khana & khilana" i was left with no other option but to set aside my aversion .... and over a period of two decades I didn't even come to know when it turned into my passion ..! But it's my children who extracted the best out of me! Their strong taste buds & particular likes & dislikes made this journey more challenging...& the saga continues.. A note of thanks to my dear friend without whose constant encouragement & threat this venture wouldn't have been possible ! Thanx buddy !